Covid-19 notice
Please answer the following questions before booking your appointment:
Have you been asked to isolate/quarantine in the last 14 days?
Do you have a high temperature over 38 degrees, have a persistent cough or have you recently lost your sense of smell/taste?
Have you been in contact with someone with symptoms or a diagnosis of Covid-19 in the last 14 days?
If your answer is YES to any of these questions please call us on 07825 877 569 as you may have to book a Video Consultation. Do not attend an appointment if you think you have Covid-19.
UPDATE: We have been based in Sunnyhill road in Streatham for the last 19 years but have recently moved to an exciting new location just down the road at 4 Thornlaw Rd, West Norwood SE27 0SA.
We are an established South West London Osteopathic practice with over 30 years’ experience treating back, joint and muscular pain. Click to see our range of treatments.
Mon to Wed: 9am-8pm
Thurs: 8am-5pm
Friday: 9am-3pm
Sat: 9am-1pm
See pricing for details on booking out of hours appointments.
Call us
Mobile: 07825 877569 Landline: 0208 769 7823
4 Thornlaw road, London, SE27 0SA
Osteopathy aims to return patients to health through manual therapy and exercise. Osteopaths are highly trained healthcare professionals who are experts in the musculo-skeletal system and how it interlinks with other systems in the body.
Osteopathy is suitable for everyone from the newborn to the elderly and from the sedentary to the elite athlete. We treat anything from the head to the foot and aim to relieve pain and improve function with the aim of preventing future problems.
Every patient is an individual and as such we have a huge range of techniques we use, from manipulation (the cracking of joints), to gentle articulation and soft tissue techniques, to other indirect methods such as cranial and visceral techniques.
We treat;
Back pain
Neck pain
Muscle injuries
Sports injuries
Joint conditions
Problems associated with getting older
Babies and children
Work related stresses
Back and muscle pain
Whether you are experiencing acute pain from an accident or suffering from a persistent discomfort, we are able to assess your situation and provide lasting treatment. Learn more about treatment for back and muscle pain.
Cranial osteopathy
Ideal for relieving the effects of stresses and strains, cranial osteopathy is a gentle technique to release tension in the body. This relieves pain and discomfort, and restores the normal ease of movement of the spine. For the longer term, this can reduce wear and tear on the spine. Learn more about cranial osteopathy.
During pregnancy
Osteopathy can help you prepare for an easy birth. Good structural balance in the joints of the pelvis and lumbar spine can aid the baby’s chances of engaging in the correct position and finding the easiest way through the birth canal. Joint restrictions in this area can easily and safely be corrected through osteopathic treatment. Discover more about treatment during pregnancy.
Osteopathy and arthritis
Many people mistakenly assume that arthritis is untreatable and that they must learn to live with their symptoms. The treatment we offer is aimed at improving mobility and reducing inflammation by using gentle, manual osteopathic techniques on joints, muscles and ligaments. You will be given positive advice related to your lifestyle about how you use your body. Discover more about treatment for Arthritis.
Sport injury
We can work with you to prevent or treat common sporting issues, from muscle injury to ligament damage. We identify the causes of dysfunction and then treat the problems that occur due to wear-and-tear, poor posture, injury or stress. Learn more about treatment for sports related injury.
Babies and children
We can treat a variety of common complaints and ensure healthy postural development in infants. From early challenges with feeding or sleep, to difficulties with mobility and play, we can provide relief to babies using gentle, non intrusive techniques. As our children grow, they undergo huge changes in the body, we can provide treatment that helps them adjust to the daily demands made on it. Discover more about treatment for babies and children.
“Nikki helped me with back pain during a very stressful period of my life. After her treatment I felt like a new person ”
— P.Thompson