Please answer the following questions before booking your appointment:
Have you been asked to isolate/quarantine in the last 14 days?
Do you have a high temperature over 38 degrees, have a persistent cough or have you recently lost your sense of smell/taste?
Have you been in contact with someone with symptoms or a diagnosis of Covid-19 in the last 14 days?
If your answer is YES to any of these questions please call us on 07825 877 569 as you may have to book a Video Consultation.
Your visit
Consultations last 30 minutes. At the start of your appointment, your osteopath will ask questions about what brought you to the clinic as well as about your medical history and lifestyle. This information is very relevant to helping to form a diagnosis and a treatment plan. This information will all be recorded and kept confidential in accordance with standards of practice set out by the General Osteopathic Council and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDRP).
Your Osteopath will then ask you to go through a series of movements to assess for any restrictions or tightness in the musculo-skeletal system, they will then need to examine the area of your body usually with you lying on the treatment table. The findings will be explained to you during the treatment.This can normally be done through light weight clothing to keep you as comfortable as possible. If you are uncomfortable with any part of this assessment, you have the right to ask the practitioner to stop at any stage.
We would then employ a wide range of gentle, safe, non-invasive, manual techniques such as deep tissue massage, spinal manipulation, functional techniques or any of a range of osteopathic techniques.
If any concerns are raised appropriate referral will be made with your consent.
We will always explain each part of the treatment and we will chat about what steps we would recommend you take next but if you have questions, you only have to ask.